love is so crazy

id love you on a daily

true say love has played me

but no qualms love, your my baby

i dont think that youd love me if i didnt look like i do or make that love to you like i do or sit and hold your hand w love when its just us two, you love me, i fucking hate you with a passion though




i dont really think that i can truly trust anyone because i honestly did trust you over everyone but its like the trust you played it bad, building new trust with a girl so she can see my sad, trust you with this, trust you its mad the trust iv never had before, love galore trust you with every flaw, flawless, i trusted before it was torture, im hurt trust has gone, dont fuck with anyone, trusted my mum & tom & rob, but why trust anyone they stab you in the back trusted a girl she did me so dirty, trusted another shes chilling with my trusted ex friends, true say i dont trust anyone though, because i never trusted them?





could be a fault of mine?

still finding the answers to all lifes questions right now

but im


50% sale

i’m giving you half my heart to do as you please, i’m giving you half my heart never get on your knees for no other soul, i’m the old soul with the gold heart, keen interest in art, silver tongue, i’m smart, I could sell a lock to a locksmith, a glock to a locked kid, a cock to a dike bitch, listen to me i’m self righteous.

Basically the truth of the matter is, this, this life is live able, for those who can width stand ridicule, when they are at the pinnacle of their mastery, what blasphemy it is when someone says: “you cant do this” look them in the eyes and say “watch me” or watch them, your choice? just don’t interrupt my mind with those childish lies and antagonizing lines about you not being surprised that our relationship reached an early demise, when i’m the one who cries over you sometimes on nights.

I’m not saying what we had was great, i’m not even saying right now thats it’s too late, this written is just a clear expression of how i can use my words for weapons.

i hope you appreciate it.

Social Media

We have became so fixated on presenting who we think we wanna be rather then actually being who we are. 
Before I start talking on this topic I’m just going to say ‘Boy Meets World Tour’ every video (and there were so many) that I seen of people who went to see Drake live, 90% of people are recording on they’re phones, this is in every single video that I seen, it strengthens my views on people just wanting to look a certain way even more, people wanted everyone else to see that they were there rather then actually enjoying the artists music for themselves, on the contrary to this, if you look at one of the biggest gigs of the last two decades, The Stone Roses – Spike Island in the 90’s and look at some of the photos of the crowd everyone is in just pure enjoyment and taking the moment in. Times have changed.

Even I fell accustom to being controlled by social media at one point, I was surrounding myself with like minded individuals who only really cared about female attention and their persona upon social media. At one point I used to delete photos that I had posted if they did not reach one hundred likes, how sad is that. 
When you realize that social media isn’t really anything but to keep us connected (which is pretty cute in it’s own way) you will constantly let it control you and bring down your confidence. 

The simple fact of the matter is that we are letting a computerized system tell us and decide whether we are beautiful or not generated from the careless amount of likes that a photo receives from someone you’ve never met or spoken to tapping they’re screen twice whilst it is hovering over your desperate face. 
How can we as a generation let that get to us and bring down our confidence, it’s all computers, don’t take no mind, you are a human being, you are beautiful. The horrible truth is, that this is also seen as money and a possibility to earn money and it will never change, they are making money off of our insecurities with makeup and new skin treatments etc. and social media just funds our insecurities thus putting that into funding and then putting money into a till, it’s all one big cycle.

What is happening? We have all seen this now and it’s undeniable, so we have a male or female, who take photos like Kylie Jenner, they have a couple thousand followers (nothing major) and they go on a family holiday once or twice a year and they take a photo shoot like a celeb. People are seeing this person in some type of way and they have created this persona that they are ‘prestige’ but it’s impossible to be this when you are from areas that are not wealthy at all, be humble, it won’t change who you are cause your from the likes of Erdington, Castle Vale, Kingstanding etc. be who you are, you are not posh. 
People from these areas due to social media can now create a false persona that they have a lot of money and that they do not live in middle/lower class conditions, are you embarrassed? Are you embarrassed where all your family and original friends are from? That’s the area that made you, never disrespect it. I’m seeing this happen to much, people are now thinking they are in a certain category or percentage of people because they have a certain amount of followers. Ludicrous. 

Everyone knows the term ‘Fronting for the gram’ and this is just a tangent from the point I previously made about creating a persona, mostly males are wearing the best creps in photo, I have even seen lads borrow their brothers Giuseppe’s & Loub’s just to take a photo and then all there best clothes and they will just post these on the gram. What about the days you look bummy? Don’t have a trim? This is cat fishing, in a sense. 
It isn’t just Instagram, in my opinion there are only two main platforms of social media that mostly everyone uses and to present themselves as someone else. Snapchat. Bloody Snapchat. Everyone from Birmingham will know what’s occurring on Snapchat in the late hours of a Thursday night early Friday morning. If you have anyone on your Snapchat who goes to Individual bar, Arcadian you know about the endless snapchats of white girls shouting in the screens of their phones to music. They have no idea of the history behind it, it just sounds good when they’ve had 10 jagerbombs in a row. 
How have we got to a point of where we are literally in clubs enjoying music and dancing, socializing with new people and then everyone 3-5 minutes were bringing out our phone to take a ‘snap’ it’s pathetic. No one goes out to have fun anymore, again like the Drake gig, they go out to show they’re out. 
We are now that fixated on showing others what we are doing with our lives and trying to look a certain way that Iv even seen people snap chatting their child’s birth. 
I’m scared about how the world is going to be in 20 years, all I can say is I will never let it control me, and if people want to that is they’re choice, we are all on our own journeys. 


Disclaimer: All women are beatifiul as you are all unique. Be you, liberate yourself. My views are just my biased views.

Okay, so first of all the word ‘catfish’ is now part of the dictionary just like ‘lol’ and ‘wtf’ because of the digital revolution that has in most part taken over the world. 
To all of us younger people, being a catfish is when someone usually on Instagram looks a lot better then they do in real life and this is usually due to excessive amounts of makeup and/or filters. This is not purely aimed at girls as a lot of males can also be a catfish by only taking photos when they have had a trim, got a pump from the gym & wearing the freshest fitting clothes they have.

Snapchat too, Snapchat has literally covered people’s faces with the nose of a digital dog, and put technological mascara on their eyes. I have now even seen a filter of a yellow mask that covers the whole bottom of girls faces and leaves the rest open and girls are using this in every post. How can anyone look at that and think yes she’s very very attractive, wifey material. I really just can’t come to terms with it. But again, not excluding boys at all I have seen so many boys using filters. My view on lads doing it is strong and very offensive, so I will not share it. 

 The main problem is there’s a lot of deception going on and people are meeting one another over social media and thinking they really like this person, they will meet and when they do there is no physical attraction from one side as the other looks totally different, physical attraction in my opinion is one of the most important aspects of a relationship or companionship. 
So let me give you a little example of how it feels (it’s happened to me about 3 times now) you do what you do, you slide in them dm’s, your talking smooth, your the man. This girl your talking to, she’s semi fire, her pictures are showing this. Your getting along, same music taste, common interests, both talking deep, you think “yo this girl is sick” your like, let’s meet, I wanna see you. 

You arrange to meet at maccies by pigeon park to go cinema or some shit. You walk through them doors and she’s not in there. But hold on… She fucking is. It’s that girl who looks slightly like the girl your meeting but you think “nah it can’t be lol” BUT IT FUCKING IS. What do you do? A lot of friends who have experienced the same have said they pretended they needed to go because of an emergency, I personally ride it out, as not to look like a cliche and appeal to everyone I do believe that personality is way more important then looks & it’s always chemistry over biology. You never know, this female could say one thing in a conversation that just resonates with your soul.

The message I’m trying to get across, which will not really be of great importance this is just purely my view. Why can’t we all be natural because then we will breed a generation of people who will be upfront and we will rarely get with people who we don’t want to be with, relationships will be more prosperous and there will be less fake people, less heartbreak. On the contrary, girls wear makeup usually due to insecurities that have been cause by us males, which in retrospect is disgraceful from us as a sex.

We all need to start appreciating and respecting women for what they are and not necessarily what they look like, because this whole term of ‘catfish’ could be avoided and we could all be real and get along in peace. Perfect.  


The topic of feminism. It’s so widely expressed by various types of people, that being said, most of the people with strong views on feminism are female their self. Within our society today the most important thing to a lot of us is how we present ourselves to others, this is why you are now able to cover up all your features that you are not happy with, with a Snapchat filter. People seem to have very strong views on so many different topics, and a lot of these views it seems are to follow a crowd, this brings me on to the point that ‘feminism’ has been giving a bad name, in the eyes of my male compadres anyway. 

 I did my research and actually spoke to someone who is a feminist I was very skeptical on the matter, this is because so many females talk about feminism but not in the right ways, they will promote feminism and then call all men ‘dogs’ Feminism is not about antagonizing anyone who does not have estrogen > testosterone, it is merely a belief that woman are equal to men, and I couldn’t agree with this more. 

The whole point of feminism is to battle against the systematic inequalities that women face on a daily basis, this is in the work place, public places, sports places. Feminism is not about promoting sexism and being against men which many females especially who I have come into contact with, promote. 

Just so it hits home, here are some facts:

  1. 17% of seats in the congress are held by women, shocking.
  2. There is a list of the top ten jobs paying for women and 9 of these jobs still will pay less then they will pay a man. 
  3. Women earn approximately 66p to every 88p that a man earns, yes the numbers are small, but it is still shocking at that.

The reason why I am writing all of this is due to the fact that me, myself, has had a negative view on feminism (not because I’m some ‘woman hater’) but because of how feminism has been presented to me, I always thought that it was a movement against men, and this is because of people who try and stand for something and have strong views when in reality they do not know the facts, they just want to look edgy. 

“You don’t have to be pretty. You don’t owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don’t owe it to your mother, you don’t owe it to your children, you don’t owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked ‘female.'” —Erin McKean

So if feminism is about believing women deserve equal rights to men and that they are just as powerful, then I guess I am a feminist. Oh god.


Your four years old, your put into some random room with 15+ random toddlers the same age as you. An older woman you have never seen (or man) and they talk at you, then suddenly you are 16 and you think what the fuck do I do now.

The education system in my opinion is fucked, it has been the same for so many years and has obviously had tweaks here and there but it never really keeps up with the modern times, technology, recessions, the world nearly ending in 2012. So On so on.

The fact that all through your secondary school life you are not once told “okay class, when you leave here, into the world, the real world, all money you earn rightfully will be taken away from you, but don’t worry, it’s based on percentages, you get robbed more if you earn more” instead were taught how to stay in the education system as oppose to deciding what your good at and capitalizing on your qualities.

All we are to the education system are numbers. All of us have a price on our heads, you get good grades in secondary school you make the school look good, you go onto university from college or sixth form, again – looks good on the place you went to. Finally, you’ve finished all this studying, 14 years and your done, but still there’s more and guess what this time you have to pay. The joys. 

I myself went to college then university and I spoke to many different people one being a friend who was doing his masters, he was 33 and what he said really hit home. No matter what qualifications you have it will never beat experience, just having a degree doesn’t cut it, you have to be able to get the edge on anyone else.

I listened to this and thought, what the fuck am I even doing in this rat race.

The simpsons will and has always been numero uno.

I don’t want people to get confused, or get the wrong end of the stick if you will. I have strong beliefs in education, not of the schooling kind (as made clear) but education of life it’s self and how to obtain happiness over longing for money. How to believe in equality for everyone rather then doing a DMX and thinking it’s a dog eat dog world. Basically how to be a kind human being.

That’s all I can really say about education & also that I failed Spanish.


Starting of with the word “life” every time that word is mentioned each and everyone of us in the world will have our own view on it.
The word happiness, what does the word actually mean, where does it even come from and why do so many people define happiness in different ways. It originally transcended from a word used to define Chance, so someone being fortunate and very lucky and now the word could be the thin line between someone being content within the life they live and someone loathing the entire world.

the unavoidable question.
Firstly I am just going to write down 3 people that have suffered depression and any other form of mental illness. (Not able to obtain inner peace)


The relevance of those 3 names are that they all have a mutual belief that the only way they overcame they’re mental illnesses was through chanelling it into they’re art.

Happy is more then attainable, we are all blessed with a choice in this life and the freedom of having consciousness. So many people in this overpopulated, over stimulated, technological, disease ridden, crumbling decrepit planet we call home do things that they do not want to do and never make time for their passions until their passions are thrown out of the window, down a drain into the dirty underpass that silently flows lucidly beneath our feet. Where does happiness appear in our lives when this occurs? The answer is no where. Never be scared to commit to doing something you love in fear of it not going to plan, and society. Fuck society. That is a whole other subject that could be written essay upon essay by 13-20 year olds who have had the same dealings with what society has stopped them from expressing themselves. 

Passion is important, go and chase your goals, life is short – do what you want to do whilst you are here inhabiting earth.

“Nothing was ever in tune. People just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, Catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, India, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, Beethoven, Back, Buddha, Christ, TM, H, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, New York City, and then it all evaporated and fell apart. People had to find things to do while waiting to die. I guess it was nice to have a choice”

Charles Bukowski, Women